Oversized Cat Activity Play Mat Ripple Rug

Keep Your Cat Engaged with This Interactive Sandpiper Cat Toy

Cats are natural hunters, and interactive toys are a great way to keep their instincts sharp while providing hours of entertainment. This lifelike baby sandpiper cat toy is designed to do just that! With touch-activated flapping wings and chirping sounds, it’s the perfect way to keep...

Fun Digger Activity Toy for Cats

This fun interactive toy for cats encourages the natural behavior of digging. Your cat can get her dig on without scratching up your furniture or carpet in the process -- and she might even get a treat out of it!

Three Level Ball Track Interactive Cat Toy

This fun cat toy takes a popular game type and cranks up the fun. Kitty will get three levels of rolling ball track action with this fun circular cat toy.

Rolling Treat Dispenser Enrichment Toy

This is a fun cat toy to engage kitties in mealtime, slow down fast eaters, and alleviate boredom. This mobile food dispenser is perfect enrichment for cats!