Outdoor / Indoor Playpen for Cats

This is a fully enclosed playpen or jumbo kennel for containing a pet in an indoor or outdoor environment. The octagonal pen has screen windows, a mesh screen roof, and a cloth floor for full containment. The easy to use pen can be set up or taken down in minutes, and breaks down flat for storage.
This 48" diameter pen is marketed as an exercise pen for puppies or dogs, but users report success using it for their cats for a variety of situations. The pen has enough space for a litter box, food and water bowls, and a bed, with space left over for toys and free movement.
Recovery Space After Surgery or For Medical Issues
The size and height of the pen make it an ideal space for a convalescing pet recovering from surgery, or for an elderly cat who can't get around as well as she used to. Prevent a cat from jumping around while his broken bone heals, or from running around following surgery.
Safe Containment While Traveling
Cat owners have also used this pen to contain their kitties while traveling, or evacuating during a hurricane or other emergency. Using this pen gives your cats a safe and familiar space when staying at a hotel, or at a friend's home. Before using in a travel or emergency situation, he pen can be set up at home and left open, letting kitty explore the space beforehand and get comfortable being inside.
Outdoor Fun for Indoor Cats
The pen can be used outdoors to give cats time in fresh air while keeping them safe and secure. Let your indoor cat enjoy the excitement of being outside without the danger of escape, predators, or other hazards.
Introducing a New Kitten or Cat to Your Home
The pen can also be used to help introduce a new cat or kitten to your current household pets by giving everyone a chance to look, hear, and smell the others while keeping them physically apart. Your new family member will feel safe in her own space while getting used to her new forever home and its current inhabitants.
Cat owners reported using this popular pet pen in tandem with cat tunnels, making an even more exciting, expanded space. Link up multiple pens with tunnels to make an elaborate outdoor play area for kitty! Double up by stacking two pens to have a space double the height for inclusion of a cat tree!