Outdoor / Indoor Playpen for Cats

Alternative Use: Kitchen Cart as Kitty Station

Kitchen carts designed to hold microwaves or other appliances are usually sturdy pieces of furniture. Consider using a multiple shelf unit like this one, highly rated for its intended use, as a piece of furniture for your cat! There are several different space-saving ways you can use...

Prevent Cat Wire Chewing with Split Loom Tubing

Alternative use product alert! One of our kitties (it's William) has a thing for chewing on wires. He especially likes Apple product wires and other similarly pliable round cables. They're his favorite thing and he's already chewed through several iPhone chargers and even our Amazon Echo wire! William is the reason we couldn't play Christmas music in our living room on Christmas day. We tried a few options and found this great solution: split loom tubing.

Garden Cat Grass Planter Pack of 3

Indoor kitties can enjoy a taste of the outdoors when you offer them cat grass. Our previous cats were real cat grass connoisseurs and we'd often have a small planter available for them upon which to munch. Sometimes they'd get out of balance and the grass would...

Treat Hot Spots & Mange with Natural EcoSpot

Mange is a skin disease caused by mites. Mange can be fairly common in dogs, but it can also be found in cats. Finding the right treatment when your cat has mange is important; a common treatment is actually toxic to cats.