Happy National Black Cat Apprecation Day!

Black Cat Appreciation Day is meant to bring awareness to the fact that black cats have the lowest adoption rate among shelter cats. Many shelters offer special rates on black cat adoptions, especially on this date. Black Cat Appreciation Day is on August 17th every year.

Funny Mickey Mouse Cat Costume for Halloween

Get ready for Halloween or a fun photo opportunity with this awesome and funny pet costume of Mickey Mouse! Your feline friend will look so cute in this darling character costume!

Happy Hairball Awareness Day!

Today, April 24, is recognized as National Hairball Awareness Day. This "holiday" is "celebrated" annually on the last Friday in April. I think most cat owners are aware of hairballs without having to mark a special date on the calendar. The day is listed along with many other...

Respect Your Cat Day | March 28

The calendar is full of fun commemorative holidays to spread awareness on a crazy variety of topics. One of those commemorative days worth celebrating for cat owners is Respect Your Cat Day, celebrated each year on March 28th.  Especially in this time of extra stress and uncertainty due to...

Happy National Pet Day!

Today, April 11, is National Pet Day. While this may not be a major, widely-recognized holiday, the love we have for our companion animals is worth celebrating every day. Especially in the current Covid-19 pandemic crisis facing everyone on this planet, pets can provide their owners with much-needed emotional...