Halloween Jack-o-Lantern Catnip Toy

Respect Your Cat Day | March 28

The calendar is full of fun commemorative holidays to spread awareness on a crazy variety of topics. One of those commemorative days worth celebrating for cat owners is Respect Your Cat Day, celebrated each year on March 28th.  Especially in this time of extra stress and uncertainty due to...

Fun Candy Heart Shaped Catnip Cat Toys for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is celebrated each year on February 14. The date is also known as Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of St. Valentine. Although its origins are as a Christian celebration feast, modern traditions of Valentine's Day revolve around romantic relationships and friendships. Valentine's Day icons include...

Halloween Costumes for Cats

While we admit that most cats probably wouldn't tolerate wearing a full costume for more than a few minutes, let alone all of Halloween, the outfits and costume pieces featured here are perfect in short bursts and make fun props for holiday photos. Here are some of our favorite Halloween and cosplay looks for kitty:

Funny Mickey Mouse Cat Costume for Halloween

Get ready for Halloween or a fun photo opportunity with this awesome and funny pet costume of Mickey Mouse! Your feline friend will look so cute in this darling character costume!