Foldable Emergency Litterbox for Travel, More

Compostable Pet Waste Bags

It's a good practice to keep kitty litter boxes clean with regular scooping. Keeping the catbox free of waste makes your cat happy and keeps your home cleaner and odor-free. But regular scooping might mean using a lot of plastic bags if that is your preferred waste collection...

Genius Shape Corner Litter Box Pooper Scooper

Make your life easier with this uniquely shaped litter box scoop. Instead of a rounded or squared off outer edge, here the outside of the scoop comes to a 90-degree corner, enabling whoever has scooping duty to reach into litter box corners with a lot less effort!

Natural Litter Box Attractant (3-Pack)

If you are having trouble getting your cat to use the litter box, several issues may be at influence. A check at the vet is a good idea for a start, in case your kitty is having a medical issue like bladder stones that make urination painful. After...

Ewww Cat Stain and Odor Remover for Carpets

We love the name of this product: Ewww!  This is a highly rated spot cleaner for carpets. If your cat has ever had an accident outside of the litter box or been sick on carpet in your home, this enzyme-rich cleaning product will be a lifesaver for both you and your cat.