Comfort Cat Carrier for Vet, Grooming Visits

List: 2018 Cat Needs Best Sellers

This is a list of the best selling cat need items sold on this webshop over 2018. Does your cat have everything he or she needs?

Easy Wheeled Travel Soft-Sided Pet Carrier

This is a soft-sided pet carrier with a trolly handle and removeable wheels. It makes transporting your kitty on foot easy and less strenuous. Note that the carrier is not intended for air travel.

Ultra Expanding Soft-Sided Cat Carrier

This is a great convertible cat carrier that is both airline approved and conveniently expandable to provide extra space while keeping your kitty safe.  This is a soft-sided cat carrier that, when the expansion areas are closed, is approved for many airlines for in-cabin travel.  The great benefit of...

Easy Hands-Free Backpack Cat Carrier

Keep your hands free (to carry additional cats?) with this sturdy, soft-sided pet carrier that can be worn as a backpack. This unique configuration keeps kitty close to you while you travel.